Hi Friends,
Tonight the forecast warns of the first frost of fall out here. We helped my mom harvest the last of the cucumbers, peppers, squash and melons. We built a big tent blanket around the tomato plants, hoping there will be another few weeks of warm weather after this light frost to ripen all those green fruit still on the vine. I guess we’ll see in the morning what all survived.
Our Indiegogo fundraising campaign ended on Friday night at midnight and we successfully raised $2,190! It is less than our original goal, but a generous amount to move forward on a classroom structure for winter. We are so thankful for everyone’s contribution, and for the ability to take the next steps for Bluebird Hill Homestead.
As the weather gets colder, I am feeling my squirrel instincts kicking in. We moved back in early May, and with the hubbub of getting settled and creating the framework for Bluebird Hill Homestead, we chose to not plant a garden this year. Well, my mom did give us 30 left over tomato plants and a row of space in her garden to plant them. We’ve been so busy though that I can’t take any credit for the fact that they have produced an amazing amount of delicious tomatoes this year. I paid them no attention and they produced food for my family. My mom has been canning tomatoes for several decades, along with all sorts of other food preservation, and I finally sat down to help her with it this year with the intention to actually learn something. It was good fun peeling the skin off the scalded fruit. The smell of stewing tomatoes is definitely a sign of fall around here.
Other than the accidentally successful tomatoes this year, I don’t have much food to harvest for my family for winter. This year we are harvesting new friends, new inspiration, and the knowing that we are Home. All this will feed us this winter while we gather around the fire to share stories. We hope to share some stories with you soon, in the warm embrace of the structure we are about to create…
Stay tuned!