That’s right! The posts have arrived!! Can you even believe it?! After all this time, it seems like a mirage that they are actually here!
Many thanks to our extremely patient apprentice, Shelley, for her continued help this season. While I was busy trying to keep the kiddos out of the way (and not doing a very good job of it), she and Jonathan managed to get the system down for setting the first 3 posts. Only 30 more to go! Hopefully, it will start to go a bit quicker now that they worked out a good strategy.
Do you see all those changing colors in the landscape? Yup, Mother Nature is reminding us daily of the shifting seasons. (Scarlet keeps noticing too and reminding us that it will soon be her 4th birthday. She knows she is named after the intensely beautiful color of the leaves on the day she was born.)
Soon enough the snow will fly. And how far will we be on the house when this happens? That is the looming question for us. Stay tuned for updates!