We want to share with you the miracle of our past week, as we know you’ve all been sending good energy our way.  We just want you to know it’s working.

You may have heard the stories about our neighbors from across the street, who have called the zoning office several times to complain about us, and stopped by on occasion to give us a hard time.

Well, they came over last week when our homeschool co-op was over helping us with the house and in the gardens.  They were very upset, wondering who all the people were, and when our house would be finished.  We did our best to be calm and clear, and shared with them that the house won’t be finished until we are able to raise some more funds.  They offered that we should stop over to talk to them about that.  (!!)

So Jonathan mustered up the courage to call them over the weekend and we spent quite a long time talking with them yesterday in their living room, sharing stories and learning about each other.  They generously offered us a small loan, no strings attached, to help us on our way.  It’s enough for us to hire someone to help Jonathan complete the roof and get the windows up.

Now, this is a miracle.  Honestly, I didn’t even know how to respond other than the obvious, “Wow, thank you so much!”.  She even gave me a hug as we were leaving.  But it didn’t really hit me until I was driving home last night.  As I rounded the corner near our place, I saw their lights were on, and instead of the usual inner sigh and bracing myself, I experienced a warm feeling of gratitude.  Truly, a transformation.

If this small miracle is possible in our world, what else is possible?  Where else is there an opening for peace?

Thank you all so much for your continued support and good thoughts!  (It’s working!)


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