I know it’s been awhile since we’ve written, so I’m going to share the good news first…

CultivatetheConnectionSquare2#1  After some technical delays, we finally launched our “Cultivate the Connection” podcast last week!  This interview series is full of inspiration on the nature of human connection. You can listen to our first two interviews with the poetic and insightful Martín Prechtel and Toko-pa Turner HERE.

#2  Our kids classes are going great!  Our first summer camp sold out, and we’ve had several requests for another camp in August…so we’ve created The Peaceful Warriors.  There are also still a few spots left in Earth Artists next week, but you’ll want to reserve your spot ASAP.  We’ll be building with cob (clay), making fairy boats that really float, and all sorts of other fun and messy projects!  Learn more and register HERE.

#3  And…we’ve got some new stuff for grown-ups too!  The feedback we’ve received from folks participating in the Seed Sessions Mentoring has been amazing!  It’s not too late to jump in and join the fun.  Check it out HERE.  We’ve also got some new classes posted… Personal Permaculture, Connecting with Your Animal Totem, and more.  Check those out HERE.  🙂

Whew!  And now, for the not so good news…

As you may have guessed from the subject line of this email, we’ve been having some health issues over here.  Since this winter, Jonathan had been feeling more and more exhausted with aching joints.  When his memory started to get foggy, we really started to worry.  He did his best to just push through, like you do, but this spring it got bad enough that it just brought everything to a standstill.  With all that we’ve got going on here, you can imagine how unwelcome this added stress has been for us.

Well, the sickness was this elusive thing that we didn’t have quite distinguished, but several weeks ago, it finally occurred to us that he may have something like Lyme disease and that we may be able to get him some help!  The test from the “regular doctor” came back negative for Lyme, so it is still a bit of a mystery.  The doctor literally told him it was probably all just in his head!

Thankfully, he was able to connect with a great local Naturopath and an herbalist that have been willing to dig a little deeper and approach this more holistically.  He is finally starting to feel quite a bit better, and we are much more hopeful that he will be able to be himself again soon.  In the meantime, if you’ve got any healing thoughts that you could send our way, we would be ever so grateful.

I now understand the phrase “If you’ve got your health, you’ve got everything.”  There’s nothing quite like a health scare to bring you to your knees in a great many ways and force you to appreciate the very simple things in life.

For right now, Jonathan is at least able to work again, but as you can imagine, the house has been sitting up there all alone and unfinished.  It looks like it may take another miracle or two for this project to actually come to completion.  (Sigh.)

Anyways…any good vibes are most appreciated!

On that note, I’d like to end with inviting you all out for a Blue Moon Gathering on Friday, the 31st!  As they say, it only happens once in a blue moon, and we’d love to celebrate with you good folks!  It’s a family friendly event, and there’s limited space if you want to pitch a tent up on the hill and sleep under the stars.

Check out more of the details HERE!

We look forward to seeing you on the land soon…
Heidi and Jonathan


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