by Heidi Madsen | Sep 28, 2016 | Everything Else
The girls and I had the great privilege of delivering some much needed winter supplies this weekend to the thousands of people in North Dakota protecting the water from the proposed oil pipeline. Much of our time there this weekend felt too sacred to document with...
by Heidi Madsen | Jul 5, 2016 | Everything Else, Nature, The Homestead
The blackcaps and blackberries are going off right now! It’s seems everywhere I turn there are scrumptious berries to eat! We’ve been hearing of several bear sightings in the neighborhood these days, so I think we aren’t the only ones enjoying the...
by Heidi Madsen | Jun 30, 2016 | Everything Else, Nature, The Homestead
Sometimes nature is so beautiful it looks surreal. I was just sitting on the ridge and happened to look up. These clouds are just floating by doing their...
by Heidi Madsen | Jun 13, 2016 | Everything Else, Kids Classes, Nature
A beautiful first day of summer camp! Lots of games, fairy house building, and a squidgy romp in the quick sand after that intense torrential rain last night! Many thanks to Cassandra and Kristin for their wonderful leadership with this playful group!...
by Heidi Madsen | Nov 23, 2015 | Everything Else, The House Build
Are you getting tired of house photos yet?? This weekend the front entryway was built so we can finish framing in the doors and walls in the next couple days. It’s coming… Here are Jonathan and our friend (also named Jonathan) finishing the fascia board in...
by Heidi Madsen | Nov 22, 2015 | Everything Else, Gardening
I know the colder it gets the sweeter the carrots, but pitchforking through two inches of frozen soil for today’s soup is a bit much! Can you tell I’m a bit behind on the garden chores?? ...