
Summer Warriors

What does it take to be deeply connected with the world around us? And how can we peacefully stand for the things that we care about most?

In these three days, we will learn how the earth can support us during challenging times, and how to create community with our new friends…all while exploring the land together and playing games!

August 1-3
Tuesday-Thursday: 10am-3pm

Ages 12-14, $125




Winter Session: November-January
(just once a month)

11/14, 12/12, 1/9
Register for all 3 Thursdays: $90

(only $30/session!)



Early Spring Session: February-April
Register for all 6 Thursdays: $180
(only $30/session!)



Full Summer Session: May-October
Register for all 12 Thursdays: $360
(only $30/session!)




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