After a VERY. LONG. WINTER. and an intense transition this spring, we are so excited to say that we finally live here on the land!  As of June, we’ve been living here at our camp, sinking in with the daily rhythms of outdoor living with three kiddos.  We actually really love it.  It’s true, many folks think we are nuts.  We know we are, and that’s OK.  This is awesome.  Sure it’s a pain that we need to haul all our water from over at my parents’ barn, and yes, the ticks were a drag this spring…but it has been so nice to wake up with the birds and walk over to our kitchen in the tipi to cook our fresh eggs over the fire each morning.  And the girls are so much happier outside.  Slightly less bickering than normal.  😉

We of course still have many challenges, including raising the funds to pay for all the permits necessary for our home and business (more than $5000!) and the big question of where we will live this winter.  This colder weather recently has kicked in squirrel instincts, and we are sorting through our options to be prepared for the snow to fly.  We really could live in the tipi this winter if needed, but we’d rather have a more insulated option.  Our plans for natural building are relatively affordable, but the hoops to jump through for the permits are daunting.  All I can say is we are doing our best to dance with the challenges, and move at a steady pace towards our dreams.  We really are so thankful to even have the opportunity to live here and be the stewards of this sweet land.  Anyhoo…

Since I know some of you are curious how our life looks now…here’s a few photos of our new home:

Our entrance!

Our entrance!

The carport

The carport

Inside the carport, the tent is up on a raised plywood floor

Inside the carport, the tent is up on a raised plywood floor

The gardens!

The gardens!

The kitchen inside the tipi

The kitchen inside the tipi

The girls caught some sunnies at Perch Lake and we fried em up!

The dining/lounging area

Sunset glow

Sunset glow

Scarlet and her golden glow

Scarlet and her golden glow

The "fridge". A galvanized trash can buried in the earth.

The “fridge”. A galvanized trash can buried in the earth.

My ideal wash station. Notice the height is perfect for the girls helping.

My ideal wash station. Notice the height is perfect for the girls helping.

Jonathan has also been hard at work on the coop

Jonathan has also been hard at work on the coop.

A roofline that matches the slope of the land

A roof-line that matches the slope of the land

Finished just enough to move the chickens over!

We’ve been busy with our Earth Artists Kids Camp this week, and I will post some of the amazing photos soon.  For now, know we are well.  I hope you all are, too!

Many Blessings,



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