Toko-pa Turner is a writer, teacher and dreamworker. Blending the mystical tradition of Sufism in which she was raised with a Jungian approach to dreamwork, she founded the Dream School in 2001 from which hundreds of students have since graduated. Toko-pa has been interviewed by CNN News and BBC Radio and has a community of over 60,000 online readers. Her writing explores the themes of exile, embodiment and the search for belonging. Sometimes called a Midwife of the Psyche, Toko-pa’s work focuses on restoring the feminine, reconciling paradox, and facilitating sacred grief & ritual practice. You can find Toko-pa on her beloved Facebook page Dreamwork with Toko-pa or on her website at
Recent Blog Posts
- Apprentice Blog: First Herb Harvests
- At the Homestead: Seventeen Chickens
- Welcome Back Earth Warriors Nature Club!
- Amazing Progress on the Medicinal Terraced Garden
- A Bird’s Eye View
- Early Spring in the Kitchen Garden
- Beginnings of the New Terraced Gardens
- Off-Grid Living: The Gift of Solar!
- Off-Grid Living: Home for the Winter?
- At the Homestead: Fire and Friends Warming the Hearth