What if there wasn’t actually anything wrong
with this world?
What if there were just a few crucial things missing,
the presence of which could transform our experience of being human
and our ability to care for each other and our planet.
It’s time…to remember our Original Instructions
as human beings on this planet.
Join us for these incredible interviews with some of the most respected wisdom carriers in our time.
This series is a delicious pot of Stone Soup with ingredients from several different perspectives on the nature of connection.
Please…fill your belly,
and live your life with inspired action!
Hosted by Heidi Madsen of
Joel Glanzberg
Joel Glanzberg has been a builder, farmer, teacher, writer, storyteller, naturalist, and permaculturalist for over 30 years. His early work establishing the site and research behind Flowering Tree Permaculture is featured in the book Gaia’s Garden, among others. He is one of the founding partners of Regenesis Collaborative, which is an integration between permaculture and Living Systems Thinking technologies. And his work with the Tracking Project provides yet another approach to working with the patterns of the natural world, as well as techniques for accessing the minds required. You can find him on his own website patternmind.org.
Toko-pa Turner

Toko-pa Turner is a writer, teacher and dreamworker. Blending the mystical tradition of Sufism in which she was raised with a Jungian approach to dreamwork, she founded the Dream School in 2001 from which hundreds of students have since graduated. Toko-pa has been interviewed by CNN News and BBC Radio and has a community of over 60,000 online readers. Her writing explores the themes of exile, embodiment and the search for belonging. Sometimes called a Midwife of the Psyche, Toko-pa’s work focuses on restoring the feminine, reconciling paradox, and facilitating sacred grief & ritual practice. You can find Toko-pa on her beloved Facebook page Dreamwork with Toko-pa or on her website at toko-pa.com.
Martín Prechtel

A master of eloquence and innovative language, Martín Prechtel is a leading thinker, writer and teacher whose work, both written and oral, hopes to promote the subtlety, irony and pre-modern vitality hidden in any living language. As a half blood Native American with a Pueblo Indian upbringing, his life took him from New Mexico to the village of Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala. There becoming a full village member of the Tzutujil Mayan population, he eventually served as a principal in that body of village leaders responsible for instructing the young people in the meanings of their ancient stories through the rituals of adult rights of passage.
Once again residing in his native New Mexico, Martín teaches at his international school Bolad’s Kitchen. Through story, music, ritual and writing, Martín helps people in many lands to retain their diversity while remembering their own sense of place in the daily sacred through the search for the Indigenous Soul.
For more information visit: floweringmountain.com