IMG_3511It was a slushy gray day here on the Winter Solstice.  Blessings to you on this darkest day of the year!

I am writing today to humbly ask for your thoughts and prayers for Jonathan as he enters a 2-day vision quest.  He left this afternoon and will be in ceremony until Tuesday night.

Here is a description of his intention in his own words:

“I will be praying for clarity on what I am REALLY here to do with this life given to me. This includes how to live powerfully in this position I find myself, between my ancestors and descendants, as well as a clear guidance on how to bring my gifts to the people.

I will be giving up the necessities of being in this physical life for the duration as a sacrifice and commitment to Spirit, powerfully declaring my service over my own personal needs. I feel quite ready to start walking my vision and helping people to remember our connections to this planet we inhabit.”

I am honored to be sharing this life with Jonathan.  He often pushes me beyond my comfort zone, and calls on me to be the best expression of myself possible.  I hope you will join me in sending some good thoughts his way these next couple days.

One more thing…when you see him next, would you please ask him about it?  Because one of the most important things about returning from an experience like this is to be received by your community and to be able to share the wisdom.

Please feel free to leave your thoughts for him in the comments below.  He will be able to read them when he returns.

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