by Heidi Madsen | Dec 18, 2016 | Off-Grid Living, The House Build
You guys, I am still in shock over what has transpired in the past few weeks… We’ve been getting by with a little 180 watt solar panel system for the last couple years (it was an upgrade from nothing!) and recently it stopped charging my batteries...
by Heidi Madsen | Nov 18, 2016 | Off-Grid Living, The House Build
Here on the home front, a small miracle is unfolding. Through the help of many hearts and hands, the walls of our house are almost completely insulated! The silver spaceship look on the front is thanks to Craigslist and some reclaimed insulation from an old elementary...
by Heidi Madsen | Oct 12, 2016 | Off-Grid Living, The Homestead, The House Build
It’s been a big day around here! We still don’t know if we will be able to stay in the house all winter, but we are a giant leap closer today. Jonathan spent several hours building the chimney and prepping the wood burning stove for its first fire! And our...
by Heidi Madsen | Oct 8, 2016 | Off-Grid Living, The House Build
When your 10 year old has a play date and you’re busy getting ready for winter… These girls did all the mixing for the little concrete pad where our wood burning stove will soon sit. Can’t wait to have some heat in this place! We are sleeping in our...
by Heidi Madsen | Nov 23, 2015 | Everything Else, The House Build
Are you getting tired of house photos yet?? This weekend the front entryway was built so we can finish framing in the doors and walls in the next couple days. It’s coming… Here are Jonathan and our friend (also named Jonathan) finishing the fascia board in...
by Heidi Madsen | Nov 16, 2015 | Everything Else, The House Build
On our morning walk today, Scarlet (age 5) shared her gratitude: “I’m thankful the house is almost done! We just need to fill in the cracks, paint it, and move the beds in!” Oh, if only. Later, she added that we also need a door and a...